Video Editing and Photography is a course designed to foster positive learning experiences while teaching the basic production and editing techniques of cinematography. The course is designed to involve students in the technological environment of both live and recorded video productions. The class will provide practical knowledge for the student as well as problem solving skills, teamwork, and showcase creativity. Students will be expected to be active participants in all aspects of the productions and will be responsible for producing and keeping on record a portfolio of all their work for each segment of the school year. Portfolios will include written assignments, video or audio recordings of independent productions, and any aspect of a production that they are involved with. Portfolios will be checked at the end of every 2 weeks to make sure they are current and accurately reflect the volume and quality of the student’s work.

This course will give students knowledge and skills on how to design, manage and publish contents using different content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal

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This course deals with the development and implementation of proposed systems in System Analysis and Design (SAD). Teams were formed  which comprises a leader and members (coders, encoders, documenters, and testers) to design, develop, write code, and test the system . System manuscript will be written as a support document of the developed system.

Before the end of the semester, teams are required to present their developed system in a group of panelists (clients, users, and faculty) to evaluate and assess the system.

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