This course will provide you with the conceptual and practical entrepreneurship techniques on how to establish your own future business, whether you will sell a product, offer a service, or do both in your town or locality. This course will be divided into several units-from the development of business plan to the application and implementation of the business plan. The conceptual and theoretical framework of building a comprehensive business plan will be tackled and prepared in this course because this is mandatory in setting up a business. This course also aims to teach you how to effectively and sustainably run your future business based on the business plan prepared. Moreover, this course will give you tools and strategies on how to make your business profitable.

- Teacher: Jamaica Mae Reyes Figueras

- Teacher: Shiena Marie GaƱo
This course examines the ethical, and social responsibilities of the practicing professional IT specialist and will introduce the concepts needed to ensure that students are aware of the accepted practices internationally. Issues addressed include computers and privacy, computer crime, public safety, intellectual property and professional codes of ethics. Key issues will normally be considered through case studies.
- Teacher: Elmarie Rufina Acena Suetos